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soon to be listed for sale Really Cool Nuclear Security Pursuit Van - Cavlon

soon to be listed for sale Really Cool Nuclear Security Pursuit Van

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This really nice looking 2003 Ford E-350 4-wheel drive, 7.3 liter diesel Van was set up and used as a chase vehicle for the semi trucks that haul nuclear stuff (bombs too?) around the country.  It was tweaked for power and handling so its not like one off the show room floor.  It had lots of tactical stuff, most of which has since been removed. However, it still has the tactical bumpers, skid plates, lights, gear rack, night lights, bed, etc.  For about 207 K miles it looks really clean--could almost pass for having only 20K. Has special high strength alloy wheels and nearly new over sized Michelin tires all around.




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This page contains a single entry by Cavlon News published on October 13, 2012 9:18 AM.

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