Bolt Torque

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I am learning the ideas different people have about how to tension and retain bolts on the craft.  Historically, every bolt/nut on an aircraft used AN hardware and had a hole for safety wire.  That is not the case on this.  Most thinks do have nylon lock nuts.  I am making a practice of using blue locktite and I will be putting nail polish lines on everything as an indicator for something coming loose.

Larry says use the blue and tighten the engine mount bolts to 25 foot pounds.

Leon says to tighten the exhaust manifold bolts to 14 foot pounds.

Leon says to tighten the carb mount screws to where the rubber just starts to squish all the way around.

I don't yet have a torque value for the starter bolts.

I currently have the eccentric clamp bolt tightened to 14 foot pounds.


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This page contains a single entry by Cavlon News published on September 18, 2012 8:56 AM.

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